Monday, October 29, 2007

Back on track

I did pretty good getting back on track last week. I lost and gained and highest I was last week was 206 and this morning I am at 202 so Yeah Me! I've not gotten motivated enough to start using fitday again but I aspire to.

Hubby is just so far ahead of me, he is at a 268, a 60 pound lost. I'm so proud of him. His goal was 50 before Christmas and he is totally making it, he had to change that to his current goal of 250 by Christmas which I'm sure he will make.

I'm still working on my 50 by christmas goal, I'm sitting at 45 lbs so I'm sure I will make it.

Our menus tend to be repetitive so I don't really post them. But if you are interested we do a lot of Eggs and Chicken (my boss swears I'm growing feathers). I bring 2 eggs and have mayo at work so I do a 2 egg salad every morning. I usually bring left overs from dinner the night before for lunch then we usually do some kind of chicken for dinner. We have a nice steak and green chilies every Thursday and DH has wings on Saturday and I have Alice Spring Chicken that I make at home on Saturday.

Did I tell you we added weight training to our exercise? 3 times a week I lift weights. I'm up to 15 lbs on my biceps and 12.5 on the butterflies and 25 on the chest pulls. I hope it will help with the really bad bye bye arms I have! LOL

On a personal note...I got blinds! Yeah. We created an addition on our home last summer and I never completely decided how I was going to decorate the new room. (I'm a terrible decorator) It is our eatting area, yes, with a family of eight we needed to make an addition to have enough room for everyone to sit and eat together. We painted the room a really nice blue with a lighter blue on the ceiling. My DH and BIL made us a huge table and made bench seating on one side with storage. We have enough room for 10 to sit at the table comfortable. I dreamt of making it tropical themed room. I love the blue and I bought a red curtain for the sliding glass door, but that is as far as I got. I wanted to do do accents with hybiscuts and had a wild idea about painted bamboo shades! LOL anyway we have decided now to have Thanksgiving at our home and I decided, that after a year and countless birthday parties, it was time to finish this room. So I started with just some basic blinds (took down the temporary paper ones). On to stage two, some other window dressings and possibly some wall decorations. Hmmmmmmm.... taking suggestions!

Monday, October 22, 2007


I don’t know what happened but the Kimkins controversy really has come to a head with the news stories and law suit being filed. Suddenly all the message boards are quieter and the exposed and truth blogs are quiet. I think maybe everyone is going through a little depression after the climax kind of thing?
For me it has been an unhappy last two weeks. I'm back up about 5 pounds and fighting back again. I just kind of had a melt down last week and decided I was tired of being good, tired of dieting, tired of it all. I am back today because I definitely don't want to stay in that place. It's not a nice feeling. Hubby intervined with...what are you doing?! "I need you to be on board with me, I want us to be doing the same thing" is what he said to me... I told you he was special and awesome ;D
So I'm back on board today for real, had my egg salad for breakfast and Alice Spring Chicken for lunch. Tonight is L/C enchiladas. No Cheats and I'm good to go home and exercise....the recovery is beginning.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Still Struggling

Happy Monday everyone! October 1st already! WOW! It's truly amazing how quickly the month of September has flown by.
I guess I should start by saying this last week has truly been a struggle, emotionally and dieting too. I wonder how many of you that read my blog are overweight and struggling with the emotions around being overweight.
I feel like everything in my life is perfect except my physical self. I have a great job, a loving husband, 2 wonderful biological kids, and the sheer pleasure of having my AWESOME nieces living with me (triplets) who are almost always the biggest helpers and cheer leading team one could ask for. So because that is all good, my burden is my physical self. I'm fat, and although I've lost 45 lbs since July, I'm still fat and still trying to lose weight. It's a slow process, which I've had wonderful success at early on, but the last two weeks have stalled. And the stalls are demotivating. I try to tell myself not to let the stalls get me off track and the quicker I get back on track the faster I'll break these stalls, but opportunity for temptations raises often in my house and this week has been another week of failing to resist those temptations.
I did pretty good all week, remember I had gained back 3 pounds putting me back at 204. Last week I tried staying strict, wanting to get back into ketosis so I could get back to loosing. I did have some weight loss here then a little gain there, never much in either direction. (I have been indulging in the carbsmart ice cream with some s/f chocolate sauce on it (about 5 net carbs in total). I've wondered if I needed to cut that to get the serious weight loss back.)
I started weight training on Friday so I am expecting a little stall/gain in the hopes that I'm building muscle.
This is the CRAZY birthday week in my house, mind you DD birthday was on 9/18, the start of this stall because I had cake and ice cream. Now I have my B-i-L birthday, (the triplets dad who also lives with us) today, my DH birthday on Friday and my DS birthday next Monday.
Also with the weather turning nicer here and the start of the fall season the girls and I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies yesterday, which I did end up eating 2 or 3! I totally felt that crazy carb rush like I could sit down and eat the WHOLE batch. I made myself take the kids outside to play and planted my fall flowers, which did help some. But I'm feeling bad and guilty still, struggling with the F-it attitude that says screw it for the week, I'll just start again next Tuesday. Do you know what I mean....then I have this counter fear that if I do that, I'll never start again.
Previously DH and I talked about birthdays and agreed we'd celebrate birthdays by participating and having a small piece of cake and some ice cream. But stalling after DD's birthday makes me not want to do it which in turn made DH feel bad because he was looking forward to cake and ice cream many times this week and not having it be "CHEATING"
OH I don't know, is this too much rambling? Sorry...I'm just venting trying to get over this. WHY can't I just be normal??! Birthday comes along, have cake. Back to dieting. I guess I really am obsessed with loosing weight. I feel as if I have laid so much of my happiness on loosing this weight that any set backs just wreck me and I find it so hard to get back to a good place. If I don't have those results immediately then it's not working or something is wrong. I am back down to 202 today, and that is not good enough for me. I wanted to get back to the 201 I was at on the 18th. And now I'm going to be going back up again because of birthday cakes. I guess I feel maybe a little out of control, because if I decide not to have cake the DH is not going to have any and I don't think that is fair. It makes him upset to not have the cake because he was looking forward to it. But he is doing really great right now, he is down 52 lbs! I WANT to have cake, heck who wouldn't!!, but I don't think I need to have cake for his brothers birthday. I'd rather save my cheat for HIS birthday on Friday, or my DS birthday on Monday, but in the meantime I cheated with all makes no sense!

I think I need a time out! LOL

DH just called, he has lost 53lbs as of this morning....YEAH!! I think I'm just going to force feed him my cake tonight! LOL! Just Kidding! Have a great Monday!

UPDATED 12:55pm 10/01/2007
I have just been banned from the Kimkins website. Not for anything that I said there, or did there. I've never said or did anything negative on the site, but because they tracked my ip address somewhere else and decided they did not like the places I had been. Shame on them for invading my privacy. It actually makes me want to throw up to think that I've been violated like that.... ew..*gag*