Monday, September 17, 2007

46 pounds gone!

Yes, I had a big jump this week. Was it because I switched up to an Atkins diet from doing the too low calories/fat Kimkins diet? Could be.
DH has been a little frustrated because he has been bouncing down then up so he is down 2 lbs then up a pound, then down 3 and up 2, then down one and up 2, see, crazy like. I told him it might be because he was really low on calories and he is a bigger guy than me, he needs to eat a little more than me, He was down below 800 calories a day. So he is doing Atkins with me now too. I think that he is happier, he really likes the waffles and I got my order in finally (took 2 weeks from and made the low carb rolls (2 net carbs). I made a batch last night because we made hamburgers last night (regular ones not the dove ones lol!). I thought I could use the roll as a hamburger bun, well, the roll was much smaller then the hamburger so I ended up cutting the hamburger in half. In the end, I couldn't taste a thing. I caught this nasty cold over the weekend and I lost my voice and apparently my sense of smell and taste. It was almost a waste of carbs to not be able to taste the roll. I added garlic powder and cheese to the mix to taste kinds like those rolls you get from red lobster. Anyway hubby said they smelled good. He is saving his roll for today I think cause he didn't try it last night.

Well the kimkins controversy is raging on. So many people have been banned from or left the kimkins website. Most of the admin crew has been banned two fold since I've been there, meaning we are on our third set of admins since 08/13/2007. One lady is setting up a class action lawsuit against the site for people that have been banned to get their money back.
There is all kinds of crazy rumors that kimkins is attaching some kinds of tracker to your ip address that is tracking you going to other websites and banning you if you participate on Lowcarbfriends forum or Jimmy Moore's living la vida lowcarb forum. Is that even possible? I mean the technology? Wouldn't that violate someones rights? Kind of like wire tapping no? I find that I am fascinated by the whole thing though. It's like a soap, I don't want to watch, but I can't help but watch.

I'm spending most of my time on Jimmy's Forum. It is much more laid back and I'm not worried about posting comments that could get me banned so Thank You Jimmy for setting up a place that is safe for us to have an open discussion about low carb diets, ANY ONE of them!
I tried the Low Carb Friends forum for a little while but they are heavily into scrubbing or deleting comments, so just be aware of that there. (They deleted my comment that said "If we could invent low carb popcorn, we'd be millionaires" in a reference to the drama going on with the kimkins site...I guess they felt it was offensive) I'm not into being censored, so I think that was the last posting I made, or rather tried to make there.

If you were a fan of Becky(aka Lilbit), Christin (WW cover girl) or Deni please visit their blogs OR come visit them on Jimmy's Forum.

Finally count: DH is down 47lbs and I'm down 46lbs in 10 weeks :D Will post our measurments soon... tomorrow is measuring day.


Jimmy Moore said...

You're doing GREAT, ChickyCola! I'm very proud of your progress and cheer you on to AMAZING success. :D

Shannon O'May said...

Love reading your blog. You should be super proud of what you have accomplished so far. Kudos! Also, I don't know if you've already tried them, but Shirataki Noodles are a delicious low carb tofu noodle that is a good substitute for pasta (spaghetti or fettucine). Not exactly the same but a decent substitute that is fairly low carb. Plus many local grocery stores have started carrying them which helps. GOOD LUCK!!

chickycola said...

No, i've not tried them yet.... Maybe later.
Pasta would be a trigger food for me so have to becareful with that.

sheissparkling said...

Helllo Lovely!
So glad I found you here!
I'm really happy to be out of the drama that was KK. It was a little cultish on some of those forums (never ours, I miss you ladies in fact)!
Cheers to you and your hubby - you should both be very proud of your success!